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Home General terms and conditions

General terms and conditions


This website is the property of Dupont NV.

Registered office:
Dupont NV
Pluim 5 - 8550 Zwevegem - Belgium
Telephone: +32 (0) 56 20 32 09

Availability: Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 6.30 p.m., on Saturday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., closed on Sunday.
E-mail address: info@dupont.be  
Company number: VAT BE 0425.223.551
IBAN BE36 671 975 888 981

The General Terms and Conditions as described here apply to every product offered on Dupont NV Webshop and all deliveries. Every order implies acceptance of the Terms and Conditions of Sale. The General Terms and Conditions of Dupont NV are exclusively governed by Belgian law.

Intellectual property rights

  • The contents of this site, including brands, logos, drawings, data, product or company names, texts, images, etc. are protected by intellectual rights and belong to Dupont NV or entitled third parties. 

Questions and complaints

  • Complaints or disputes must be reported within 7 days of delivery. In case the complaint is found justified, our liability is limited to the exchange of the goods. Any liability of the seller is limited to the actual amount paid for the order.
  • Dupont NV always handles questions and complaints within the reasonable period of 7 calendar days.

Force majeure

  • Force majeure includes all external causes, foreseen or unforeseen, over which Dupont NV has no influence, but which prevent Dupont NV from fulfilling its obligations.
  • Dupont NV is also entitled to invoke force majeure if the circumstance preventing (further) performance occurs after Dupont NV should have fulfilled its obligation.
  • During force majeure, the delivery and other obligations of Dupont NV shall be suspended. If the period in which fulfilment of the obligations by Dupont NV is not possible due to force majeure lasts longer than 8 weeks, both parties are authorised to dissolve the agreement, without any obligation to pay compensation in that case.


  • All offers and agreements are governed exclusively by Belgian law, to the exclusion of the principles of conflicts of law in space.
  • All disputes relating to or arising from offers made by Dupont NV, or agreements concluded with it, shall be submitted to the competent court in Kortrijk, unless a mandatory legal provision expressly designates another court as competent.

Limitation of liability

  • The information on the website is of a general nature. The information is not adapted to personal or specific circumstances and therefore cannot be considered as personal, professional or legal advice to the user. Dupont NV makes great efforts so that the information made available is complete, correct, accurate and updated. Despite these efforts, inaccuracies may occur in the information made available. If the information provided contains inaccuracies or if certain information is unavailable on or via the site, Dupont NV will make every effort to rectify this as soon as possible. However, Dupont NV cannot be held liable for direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of the information on this site. Should you find any inaccuracies in the information made available via the site, please contact the site administrator. 

Personal data processing

  • The information provided by the customer is necessary for processing and completing orders. A minimum amount of data is required for each order. The customer's personal data will only be processed in accordance with our Privacy Policy.