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Monday, 24 June 2024


Which colour and finish do you choose?

Did you know that the presentation of food in your counter is just as important as its taste? Using our plexi trays, you can present your culinary creations in a stylish and hygienic way. These trays not only provide a professional look, but also make it easy for customers to see what you have to offer.

Choose the plexi presentation dishes that perfectly match your counter and the look of your business!
Do you go for a timeless black gloss look? Or prefer a stylish matt finish? Or prefer a fresh white colour? Give your counter an upgrade with a new colour or finish and let your dishes shine!

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Glossy black

Go for a timeless gloss finish with our black presentation trays.

Dark Smoke

Go for a modern, stylish matt finish with our Dark Smoke presentation trays. An added advantage is that this finish is completely resistant to scratches and grease marks.

Glossy white

Opt for a fresh, clean look with our white presentation trays with glossy finish.

White Smoke

Go for a modern, stylish matt finish with our White Smoke presentation trays. An added advantage is that this finish is completely resistant to scratches and grease marks.

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